Dental Implants West Hollywood, CA

Having one or more missing teeth is more than just a minor inconvenience when you eat. It affects your entire life, including how you feel about yourself. Aside from preventing the adjacent teeth from shifting position, it is important to replace those missing teeth to maintain your beautiful smile and make you feel confident and attractive.

Dental Implant Dentist West Hollywood, CA
Dental implants in West Hollywood, CA are artificial tooth roots made from titanium or titanium alloy. These artificial roots can come in the form of a rod or a flat plate, depending on the location of the missing tooth and how wide the jaw bone is where the implant must be placed. Our doctors cap the roots with a dental crown, which replaces the missing tooth.

We have seen countless dental implant patients in our years of practicing cosmetic dentistry. First, we examines the patient’s mouth in detail to determine if they are a good candidate for dental implants. Then, the implants are placed in the jaw. After the bone has completely healed over the implant, we place the dental crown on top, completing the process.

We recommend dental implants because they are easy to care for and attractive. Implants require no special care; patients can simply brush and floss them as they do the rest of their natural teeth. In addition, because the implants form a secure bond with the jaw bone, the patient does not need to worry about them slipping or coming loose, even when they eat sticky or hard foods. Because the dental crowns are specially created to look just like the rest of your teeth, they are also unnoticeable.

Call the office of VIP Dental Spas in West Hollywood, California to schedule your consultation for dental implants. Our dental implant dentist in West Hollywood will be happy to discuss your unique case with you and examine your mouth to determine if you are a good candidate for implants.

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